Nordic Rheology Society

Rheology is defined as the science of the deformation and flow of matter, which means that rheology in some form enters almost every study of material properties. In the Nordic countries, rheological measurements have become standard techniques in both industrial and academic research. The Nordic Rheology Society has been formed as a meeting ground for engineers, physicists, chemists and biologists engaged in rheology in industry and academia.


NRC 2025 in Berlin

The next Nordic Rheology Conference will be jointly arranged with the German Society of Rheology, DRG, in Berlin on June 10-12. Read more about it at the conference page.
The next Nordic Rheology Conference will be jointly arranged with the German Society of Rheology, DRG, in Berlin on June 10-12. Read more about it at the conference page.


Memorable NRC2024 in Stavanger
The 33rd Nordic Rheology Conference gathered 75 rheology enthusiasts in Stavanger on May 29-31, 2024


The 33rd Nordic Rheology Conference gathered 75 rheology enthusiasts in Stavanger on May 29-31, 2024. This was the third time that Nordic Rheology Conference was organized in Stavanger, the previous times being in 1996 and 2007. The conference was a great success with insightful scientific presentations, lively discussions and unforgettable social events.
A big thank you to everyone who attended the conference and made it a memorable and enjoyable event for all of us. In particular, we would like to thank the NRC2024 plenary speakers for their exceptional scientific contribution to the conference: Pier Luca Maffettone, Helen Wilson, John Hinch, Manfred Wilhelm and Jan Schäffer.
We would also like to thank the conference sponsors and exhibitors for their financial contribution to the organization of the conference and for showcasing their products and services at the conference: Tine, TA Instruments, Netzsch, Oleinitec, Gammadata Instrument & Thermo Fisher Scientific, Houm, Reokonsa AB and Colloids and Interfaces.
Last but certainly not least, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the NRC2024 organizing committee: Conference Chair A. H. Rabenjamanantsoa, Arild Saasen, Vanessa Grace Ochon Booc, Linda Natalie Borho, Guro Mette Viker Bråthen and Kjetil Tjåland.

New NRS board elected for 2024-2028
A new NRS board was elected at the Annual Meeting of the Nordic Rheology Society on May 30. With the


A new NRS board was elected at the Annual Meeting of the Nordic Rheology Society on May 30. With the unanimous support from NRS members, the following NRS members were elected in the board:
President: Olli-Ville Laukkanen
Secretary: Norbert Raak
ICR representative: Roland Kádár
Danish representative: Peter Szabo
Danish deputy member: Florian Nettesheim
Finnish representative: Wenwen Fang
Finnish deputy member: Pekka Laurikainen
Icelandic representative: Krishna Kumar Damodaran
Icelandic deputy member: Margrét Geirsdottir
Norwegian representative: Catherine Taylor Nordgård
Norwegian deputy member: Blandine Feneuil
Swedish representative: Gustaf Mårtensson
Swedish deputy member: Dragana Arlov
In addition, the Editor of the NRS Annual Transactions Andrianifaliana Herimonja Rabenjafimanantsoa serves as a co-opted member of the board.
Let's congratulate the new NRS board and wish them all the success in their activities!

NRS Young Rheologist Award 2024: Dr. Katherine Grasberger
Last week at the Nordic Rheology Conference 2024, we celebrated Dr. Katherine Grasberger who receive


Last week at the Nordic Rheology Conference 2024, we celebrated Dr. Katherine Grasberger who received the NRS Young Rheologist Award. This award is presented to a young person who has made outstanding work in basic or applied rheology at the graduate or postgraduate level. Big congratulations to Katherine who was able to join the award ceremony via Zoom after being informed about the recognition!




  • Regular Newsletters on relevant activities in rheology.
  • Access to the member pages on this web site including PDF-articles from the NRS Annual Transaction, and the member directory.
  • The annual Nordic Rheology Conference features invited speakers of international standing as well as sessions on general rheology, and excellent networking opportunities.
  • The Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society.
  • Information about local rheology events.


Apr 2025
Annual European Rheology Conference 2025 The conference will take place in Lyon, France. Read more
Jun 2025
DRG Symposium & Nordic Rheology Conference 2025 This conference will be organized jointly with the German Society of Rheology and it will take place in Berlin. Read more


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Hi We have done a lot work on mayonnaise. Generally we can share most of it. Pls email
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