Nordic Rheology Conference
DRG Symposium, Berlin, June 10-12, 2025


The conference is jointly organised by NRS and DRG (Deutsche Rheologische Gesellschaft) and will cover all aspects and areas of rheology. Industrial case studies and academic research papers are equally welcome. The aim is to gather rheologists and enhance the exchange of knowledge between researchers, users, application specialists and instrumentation manufacturers in the Nordic countries, Germany and beyond.



The conference is sponsored by



Berlin, at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) ”Unter den Eichen” , Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin.



The program will include a mixture of plenary lectures by internationally renowned invited lecturers and contributions from NRS and DRG delegates. The topics will cover all aspects of rheology, both theory and application. There will also be a poster presentation and an exhibition by leading industrial partners. The Annual Business Meetings of NRS and DRG will be held in connection with the conference program.

In connection with the conference, on Tuesday morning June 10th, a rheology course will be given. It will introduce the basics of rheology and facilitate the understanding of more complicated topics discussed during the conference. Attendees at all levels are encouraged to join the course.

Speakers are given 15 minutes per presentation with an additional 5 minutes for questions. The maximum size for a poster is A0 (84x119 cm, portrait mode).



Maria Charalambides (PhD, DIC, CEng, FIMechE) is a Professor in Mechanics of Materials at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. She is the current President of British Society of Rheology. Amongst Maria’s research interests is mechanics of soft solids and particulate polymeric composites, rheological characterisation and modelling of soft solids found in various applications such as in foods, plastic bonded and granular explosives, paints and plastics in art conservation, adhesives, foams and mechanical recycling of plastic packaging. She leads the Soft Solids research group. Maria has published over 100 papers and has received funding from both industry and Research Councils UK. Her published research includes material modelling and mechanical characterisation, micromechanics models of particulate filled composites as well as cellular and porous structures, experimental and numerical modelling of industrial food processes as well as oral and gastric processes and fracture and deformation in paint and adhesive coatings.



A short course on how to identify and avoid measurement errors will be held on Tuesday June 10, 8.30-12.30 at BAM. The course will be given by Dr Joachim Kaschta and Prof Andreas Wierschem. You can find more information here. Please contact Mrs Karolina Alibegovic if you want to attend the course.

Course Flyer

You can register to the short course in the conference registration system: Conference registration.



The industry-academia workshop will be organized in one of the parallel sessions during the conference, and it is open to all conference participants. No separate registration is needed.

The aims of the workshop are to:
👉 Create a stronger connection between academia and industry
👉 Enhance dialogue between academic and industrial researchers at NRS and DRG events
👉 Help to identify industrially relevant research questions that academic researchers may address and work on

The workshop is planned to include small-group discussions between academic and industrial researchers to brainstorm ideas on defined questions/challenges, as well as a collective discussion to gather practical ideas for increased academia-industry collaboration in the future.

If you have questions or specific wishes related to the industry workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the workshop organizers Gustaf Mårtensson, Dragana Arlov, Florian Nettesheim and Olli-Ville Laukkanen.



The conference will include evening activities on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Tuesday June 10
    A reception in the evening.
    Refreshments will be served. The conference badge will grant entrance.

  • Wednesday June 11
    Conference banquet in the evening, at Alte Pumpe (Lützowstraße 42, 10785 Berlin).



Abstract submission
Presentations in all areas of rheology are welcome, both as oral and poster presentations. Presenters should submit their abstract(s) using the NRS online abstract management system. The abstracts will be compiled into a Book of abstracts available for all participants.

The abstract submission has closed.

Paper submission
After acceptance, participants will be invited to submit a manuscript for publication in the Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society (ATNRS). The full manuscripts for both posters and oral presentations will be published in the 33rd volume of the ATNRS. However, you are allowed to give an oral or poster presentation at the conference even without submitting a manuscript to the ATNRS.

Manuscripts of both oral presentations and posters must be prepared using the ATNRS Template and submitted both as a DOC file and a PDF file to the NRS AT Editor with the subject line ‘NRC2025-manuscript’.

The manuscripts must be between 2-8 pages in length. Make sure that you use “press quality”, embed all the fonts, and set the paper size to A4 when you convert the document to PDF. If the guidelines are not followed exactly, your paper will be returned to you for correction.

LaTeX and iWork Pages are also available, please contact the NRS AT Editor.

The ATNRS does not retain copyrights for the submitted manuscripts.



Please note that due to capacity limitations, we can accept only about 120 participants to the conference. We accept registrations on a first-come, first-served basis, so please register to the conference soon to secure your spot.

You can register to the conference here: Link to the conference registration

The conference fees for regular participants and students include participation in the technical sessions, welcome reception, conference banquet, lunches and coffees. You can also become a member of the NRS or continue your membership for one year when registering to the conference (this is included in the registration fee). The conference fee for an accompanying person only includes participation in the welcome reception and conference banquet.

NRS/DRG member   Non-member
Regular 350 EUR 450 EUR
MSc and PhD Students 250 EUR 350 EUR
Accompanying person   140 EUR 140 EUR
Rheology course   50 EUR   70 EUR

For NRS membership, the discount applies only to those who are members at the end of 2024 and whose membership is valid at least until June 10, 2025.

For NRS members: You can check the validity of your NRS membership here: NRS membership payment page.
In case of further questions about your membership, or if you have difficulties in registering as a new member of the NRS, please contact the NRS President Olli-Ville Laukkanen.

Cancellation fees
10 Euro if the whole conference is cancelled
20 Euro if the registration is changed
60 Euro for chargeback (claim of the credit card holder at the credit card bank)
The full fee will be charged after May 1.



The conference will include an exhibition of rheometers and other relevant instrumentation. The venue only has room for five exhibitors which are:

  • Anton Paar Germany
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany
  • Incipientus Ultrasound Flow Technologies, Sweden
  • NETZSCH-Gerätebau, Germany
  • TA Instruments , Germany
If you are interested in the exhibition, contact the organiser Professor Ulrich Handge.



Master's and doctoral students who are members of the NRS are encouraged to apply for the NRS Student Travel Grant (à 300 €). Please send a one-page application stating type of studies, title of contribution to the conference and a motivation, complete with the supervisor’s signature, to the NRS President Olli-Ville Laukkanen before February 15.



The conference venue at BAM ”Unter den Eichen” is located 12 km (40 min by municipal transport) from Berlin Central Train Station, and 25 km (1 hour by municipal transport) from Berlin Brandenburg Airport.



The conference is organised jointly by DRG (Ulrich Handge ) and NRS (Olli-Ville Laukkanen, Mats Stading and Roland Kádár).





  January 1, 2025
Registration opens
  January 31, 2025
Submission of abstracts
  February 15, 2025
Application for Student Travel Grant
  April 15, 2025
Submission of manuscripts for the NRS Annual Transactions
  May 1, 2025
Last date for registration