Laboratory of Material Science and Environmental Engineering
Anton Paar MCR 301
Göttfert Rheograph 6000 capillary rheometer
Magneto-Rheological Device (MRD): used to analyze the influence of a magnetic field on the viscoelastic properties of magnetorheological fluids (MRF) and ferrofluids
SER fixture for extensional rheology: provides information about molecular structure, branching, temperature stability, shrinkage, relaxations, and brittleness as well as the adhesion and peel strength of films and fibers
Pressure chamber for the capillary rheometer: can be used to simulate different pressure drops, thereby measuring the viscosity close to process conditions
The Nordic and German Rheology Societies will jointly host a Conference in Berlin in June. Abstract submision is open and the deadline is January 31. More information and instructions are found on conference web page.