NRS forum

The NRS Forum is open to all. New threads and new posts can be made by anyone. You don't have to be a member and you can be anonymous.

Because of this openness NRS must perform a moderation before the new thread or post is approved. When you submit a new thread or post, a forum moderator will be noticed.

To start with, there will be no editing feature. This means that you can only post text, no html or any other kind of formatted text or data.

NRS board




High standard deviations (Storage modulus)

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Brookfielsd DV-I Software

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator


1 post approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Rheology plots

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Is determination of the viscosity of mayonnaise possible?

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Complex viscosity

1 post approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Compensate for syneresis during gelation

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Yield stress, experimental methods

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Rheology of ice cream

1 post approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Powder rheology

2 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator

Negative hysteresis in a flow curve

3 posts approved, 0 waiting to be approved by moderator