
Weissenberg Award 2017

Photo CoussotThe 2017 Weissenberg Award recipient is Philippe Coussot from Université Paris-Est, Laboratoire Navier (Ecole des Ponts, IFSTTAR, CNRS), France. Coussot has contributed to both fundamental and engineering aspects of rheology, in particular thixotropy and yielding of dense suspensions, pastes and other complex out-of-equilibrium materials. He has made ground-breaking discoveries (such as viscosity bifurcation), developed cutting-edge experimental protocols (such as rheo-NMR) and contributed massively to the conceptual understanding of the rheology of (simple and thixotropic) yield stress fluids and their flow in complex geometries. With the same rigor, he has applied NMR to advance the field drying and porous media flow. His pioneering work has shaped the field and pushed toward unprecedented progress. Philippe is an active member of the rheology community, strongly engaged and dedicated mentor. Further details can be found in

At AERC2017 Philippe Coussot will give a talk on “How much paint is left on your brush? – A journey in the world of yield stress fluids”.